


(Re)connecting Indigenous and Non-Indigenous youth with meaningful land based knowledge rooted in Mi’kmaw values.

Our Values

[NED-OUH-GOO-LIMK]We are committed to upholding our responsibility of sustainability, reciprocity, and community stewardship. Netukulimk is our commitment to harvest only what we need, give back what we can, and pass our traditions on to the future …


We are committed to upholding our responsibility of sustainability, reciprocity, and community stewardship. Netukulimk is our commitment to harvest only what we need, give back what we can, and pass our traditions on to the future generation.

[UM-SIT NOH-GA-MAH]All My Relations. We recognize and respect all of our human and non-human relations. We aim to embody this kinship approach in relationship building and community development, fostering trust and authenticity in every learning exp…


All My Relations. We recognize and respect all of our human and non-human relations. We aim to embody this kinship approach in relationship building and community development, fostering trust and authenticity in every learning experience.

With every decision and partnership we make, we ask ourselves “how does this benefit our youth?”. We are committed to prioritizing youth voice, vision, and opportunity as we grow the circle of Reclaiming Our Roots.

With every decision and partnership we make, we ask ourselves “how does this benefit our youth?”. We are committed to prioritizing youth voice, vision, and opportunity as we grow the circle of Reclaiming Our Roots.

Follow our journey.